
The last royal family of Iran: an enlightened monarch with no turban

Iran, an oil rich country in the middle east. Called "Persian" in Iran, has a long history, established in twenty-eighth Century BC the ancient Elamite Kingdom and the Medes established is the birthplace of civilization in Iran plateau.

In recent media reports in the west, Iran has always been closely implicated in economic sanctions, oil exports and terrorism.

The mysterious, conservative, theocracy, is it universal cognition.

But just 38 years ago,

The Iran under the reign of Pahlavi was once in the world

One of the most open Middle Eastern countries, the United States and Britain, saw it as the Middle East

Most important ally. Today, the newspaper sister to talk about, Pahlavi Dynasty behind Mohamed - Reza - King Pahlavi, Iran

Last emperor.

From 1925 to 1979, the Pahlavi Dynasty was the only one

A short period of 54 years, by Reza Shah, the old Pahlavi building. In 1919, little Pahlavi was born, and in 1941, little Pahlavi succeeded to the throne.

King Pahlavi was sent to England and America by his father

Western education, the idea of governing the country and the conservative forces in China are very different.

Little Pahlavi inherits his father

Ambitious, large-scale in Iran

Develop nationalized industries and implement major

Infrastructure construction, the maintenance of transnational railway systems, the establishment of a public school system, the reform of judicial institutions and medical and health care.

As a

A secular Muslim who succeeded Pahlavi in the modernization, industrialization and secularization of Iran's economic, social and political reforms.

Give women

The power of the government, without the headscarf, without the right to cover the body, is the most obvious change. The king's wife, the first princess,

Egyptian Princess Fu press first, every time to attend important occasions when dressed very amazing.

The Middle East beauty temperament, costumes and makeup with western style, stunning the audience. Suddenly a look, thought to see the famous movie star, the star of gone with the wind

Vivien Leigh.

This beautiful

Queen of Iran, a spokesman for Iran, appeared on the cover of the September 1942 American magazine's life.

At this time, Iran, women can

Do not wear headscarves, wearing short sleeved skirt, dress up and go out, and the general state of women is.

But the press and the marriage of Pahlavi and King Fu

Not happy, when the old Pahlavi in order to consolidate before the establishment of the dynasty, decided and King Farouk of Egypt's marriage.

In 1945, Fu returned to Egypt and in Cairo press


Divorce. It was not until 1948 that the king accepted the demand. The premise is that the daughter of two, Shah Aa Azee, wants to stay in Iran.

King of Iran

The first time was a divorce, but has been approved.

Since World War II, because

Political interests, geographically not far from India, and with the former Soviet Union border, Iran became the eyes of the United States and Britain

All the Middle East, the closest ally.

With the support of the United States and Britain, coupled with the country's rich crude oil reserves, Iran's modernization and industrialization process is developing very rapidly. Cars go through the streets. People wear suits and ties

Flourishing scene.

In 1951, Pahlavi ushered in his second wife

Sola. 13 years younger than the king Soraya from Iran noble family, father is a diplomat, DeRousse's mother is ashkenazi.


Keen on fashion, she often invites American and French designers to make dresses for themselves. The wedding dress was designed by cheap replica Dior handbags UK.

But this marriage has not gone too far. In 1958, the marriage of two people ended in a hurry and ended in divorce. This time,

King Pahlavi himself announced the divorce to the people of Iran.

The two marriages were out of order, and Pahlavi's royal road was not smooth sailing, or even so

Be threatened by growing crises。

In 1949, Pahlavi, who advocated secularization and religious indoctrination in Iran and was close to the United States and Britain, was assassinated when he attended a ceremony at the University of Tehran in the capital. Fortunately, only a facial injury, but escaped.

In 1953, Pahlavi experienced again

By the coup, and their different political views, advocating nationalization of the petroleum enterprise, not to participate in Anglo American Mohammed Mossadegh as prime minister

House arrest。 It was not until the CIA intervened that he regained power.

King Pahlavi of 1959

Three marriage, married father's daughter Farah soldiers.

Queen Farah was educated in Tehran French school, then went to the Paris School of architecture building is a learning.

Intellectual women.


The queen of art and culture has created many cultural institutions, including the Museum of contemporary art in Tehran, and the Tehran theatre.

In 1963, King Pahlavi launched a far-reaching reform in the history of Iran:

White revolution. He advocates

Non violent reconstruction of Iran society, want to make Iran a global economic and industrial power.

In addition to government funded heavy industry projects, King Pahlavi was there

A lot of money has been spent on women's education, especially in rural areas. He founded

The literacy corps, have a high school diploma but not military service personnel, to support education in rural areas, in lieu of military service.

Under the suppression of Islamic tradition

Pahlavi, who has no right to speak, is also given

Voting right. Poor mothers get free food from the government.

At this time of Iran,

Unprecedented openness and prosperity.

The white revolution has contributed to the economic and technological development of Iran, but this reform has

The absence of democratic reform, the people of the royal family

The discontent of luxury life has led to a backlash in Iran, especially in the region

The opposition of a powerful church.


Weakened the church's influence in education, marriage and rural areas,

The church staff were greatly shaken.

Too close to Anglo American relations,

The conservative forces also complained to the king.

Finally, in 1979, the political turmoil in Iran became famous

The Islamic revolution, the Pahlavi Dynasty, was overthrown. Iran turns to

Anti American pioneer, in 1980, the Iran diplomatic relations, starting with the western countries headed by the United States against each other. So far, there have been these years, the western media reported that

All negative news

Countries with interest.

Pahlavi is carrying his wife and children

Forced to flee Iran, the royal family of Iran was officially abolished. The president of Egypt continues to grant asylum. In 1980, Pahlavi died of cancer in Cairo, aged 61. Subsequently, the queen Farah with children

Emigrated to the United States, has lived so far.

Pahlavi's little daughter, Luila, was treated with drugs in 2001,

In london. The youngest son, Ali Reza Pahlavi, suffered from chronic depression in 2011

A gun.

The last queen, Fakhra, occasionally attends

Charities will also be invited by some European royalty to participate in the Royal family.

In 2003, Fakhra published his memoirs

The love that never dies: the life of me and the king.

A generation of Royal legend, so far curtain call.

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