
Chanel, how much do you know about the details of the two bags?

When it comes to buy a package, to introduce the classic introductory words must not be less replica chanel bags uk 2.55 and Class Flap two, this bag is the same brand, but also look very similar, so many fans have said it is difficult to distinguish, but speaking of these two bags, in fact there are still many stories to tell.

Let's talk about 2.55. If you want to buy a bag that you can use all your life, it must be the 2.55 of cheap replica chanel handbags UK. This package is already 62 years old this year. It's definitely a timeless model.

The package was designed by Miss coco in 1955 February, when she named the bag for 2.55

As for the design of this package is also a story of inspiration, is said to be on the replica chanel online uk women have to bear more and more social role, in order to liberate women's hands, she flashes in and was quite popular a handbag add chain strap. This is the first in the field of luxury handbag strap design, at the time the meaning is very significant.

COCO replica chanel bags uk grew up in an orphanage, teenage girls were sent to the church boarding school, 2.55 of the seven major design details are closely related to the life experiences of these two periods.

1. double chain

The twin chains were inspired by the orphanage administrators, who were accustomed to keeping keys in a similar chain around their own waist, which impressed replica chanel online uk, and so came the design.

2. lock

The square lock in front of the bag is called "Mademoiselle Lock", and French means "Miss lock". It implies that Ms. Coco has not married her whole life.

3. lining color

The lining of the red dates was the color of the orphanage's uniforms, a metaphor for the sad experiences of Ms. replica chanel online uk when he was a child.

4. bags front mezzanine.

Chanel is a small affectionate thing, she is said to be at the orphanage when he began to love this package before dissection is specially arranged for the girls, she put the letter, but for modern people, this has no what use.

5. pockets

2.55 of the three bags were designed, and the smallest was for lipstick. The design was very portable.

6. diamond Plaid

It was inspired by the twentieth Century horse riding coat, which was used to sew quilts in fifteenth Century, and Chanel pioneered it in women's fashion.

7. back fault

The semicircle barrier behind the bag is the place where Miss COCO uses the change.

But do you know why "Chanel2.55" is also called "Chanel Reissue 2.55"?

Reissue 2.55 is a replica of Lafayette in 2005, 2.55 was born 50th anniversary, this is also the laobiye tribute, the basic shape does not have too big change, is replaced by sheepskin leather, feel some more wear.

This is the origin of reissue 2.55 name, so we call the 2.55 basically is reissue 2.55, it is a Chanel bag in the most low-key, coupled with the portable and practical characteristics, can be described as cute.

There are three sizes of Chanel reissue 2.55. They are: 30cm's large, 28cm's medium, and 25cm's trumpet.

The classic style is the black palm, the cowhide with bronze or ancient silver hardware, and it has been constantly pushing new, regardless of shape or material, basically every season there will be new changes. For example, I recently found a pretty good badge.

Autumn and winter this year, reissue 2.55 is to be the most changeful, from the appearance of material to color all brighten.

Chanel, Canvas, Lucky, Charms, 2.55, Reissue, Size, 226, Bag

$7500.00 (USD)

Chanel Tweed/Cabochons 2.55 Reissue Size 225 Bag

No pricing

Chanel, Embroidered, Patent, Lambskin, 2.55, Reissue, Size, 225, Bag

Chanel 2.55, Reissue, Size, 226, Bag

$5500.00 (USD)

Chanel 2.55, Reissue, Size, 225, Bag

$4900.00 (USD)

Chanel Chevron 2.55 Reissue Size 226 Bag

Next come to talk about Class Flap, this bag is now a classic Chanel package type, it is 1983 year old Buddha took over the Chanel design, looks very similar to the 2.55, this bag is old Buddha in the Chanel mountains, the ladle has 34 years old.

Similarly, the plaid style is the most classic.

Because and 2.55 are too similar, but also are the classic brand representatives, many fans have expressed silly point is not clear, today to take a good look at their distinction.

First of all, the front of the 2.55 square buckle lock, and Classic Fla in front of the double C lock, this is the most intuitive and most easily distinguishable logo.

The second point is that the 2.55 strap is pure chain, while Classic Flap is composed of a chain of leather straps and twisted together.

The third is different leather materials, and now 2.55 of the cortex have done the old treatment, and Classic Flap leather is relatively new, just remember that these three points is very good distinction.

2.55 large and medium size only Classic Flap a mistress, but there are a lot of size, there are Extra Mini, Mini Rectangular, Mini Square, Small, Medium, Jumbo, Maxi several size, selection is very rich.

Not only the size of the rich, class, flap materials are also very rich, basically every year there will be some new interpretation, can be described as a variety of, dazzling.

The color is also very rich.

Different sizes show different temperament, but I think mini size is the most lovely.

Let's see what new tricks class and flap have played this fall and winter.

Chanel, Alligator, Classic, Flap, Medium, Bag

Chanel, Python, Classic, Flap, Medium, Bag

$8600.00 (USD)

Chanel, Embroidered, Printed, Fabric, Classic, Flap, Medium, Bag

Chanel, Printed, Canvas, with, Sequins, Classic, Flap, Mini, Bag

$3300.00 (USD)

Chanel, Embroidered, Fabric, Classic, Flap, Mini, Bag

Chanel bag is also the most worth buying. Why is that? Because in accordance with the Convention, Chanel will increase 2-3 times a year, some of the money is increasing every quarter, so if you buy early, even if earned. You can look at the class flap in the past few years, the rate of increase in prices, the small partners will be very pleased to buy?.

Buy earlier, even if not later, as Vintage package to sell, it will not lose money yo, if you buy classic money as a biography, Jiabao will feel more worth it!!

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