
A famous book can be adapted into a movie. In fact, a famous painting can also be made

The poster of the movie "Loving Vincent"

For a film adapted from IP, everyone can say a few. In fact, in addition to the hot films adapted from literary works, there are some films that are not familiar with but very classic. They are closely related to the famous paintings.

A film of the same name as a famous painting

The movie "the girl with Pearl Earrings" tells the story of Johannes Vermeer, a portrait artist in Holland (Johannes Vermeer), who modeled on a girl wearing pearl earrings in seventeenth Century.

The poster of the film "girl with Pearl Earrings"

Every lens in the film is like classical oil painting, which is generally beautiful and exquisite. In the visual modeling, scene setting, whether it is furniture, or their clothing hair, or the painter working process, presents the classical style of color.

Griye, the heroine in the young girl in the pearl earrings, uses dark box technology to see the painting

Johannes Vermeer Holland is the golden age of painting master, and Rembrandt HALS, collectively referred to as Holland's three artist. Most of Vermeer's works are paintings of the genre, which are basically based on the ordinary life of the citizens.

The film "the girl in the Pearl Earrings"

The maiden in the Pearl Earrings is Vermeer's greatest work, with Da Finch's Monalisa. Figure paintings, soft clothing lines and shading earrings, as well as on the women's side, looking back on the screen is about to speak, but saying nothing attractive, so.

Johannes Vermeer "maiden wearing Pearl Earrings", oil painting, 44.5 * 39cm, 1665

In addition to the "girl with a Pearl Earring", there is a painting and the movie works - "night watch". The film tells the story of the famous painter Rembrandt Holland romance and occupation career, and focuses on the creative process of his masterpiece "night watch".

Artist Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rhine (Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn)

Rembrandt Harmenszoon Van Rhine (Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn) is one of the greatest painters in Europe in seventeenth Century, "the night watch" is Rembrandt's most famous and most controversial works.

Rembrandt "night watch", oil on canvas, 363 * 437cm, 1642

This painting, with the nature of custom painting and historical painting, can remind people of the epic masterpieces of the former Holland people against the struggle against alien domination. But because Rembrandt used more close to the stage effect of the painting, "night watch" is not the upper class was welcome. The artist himself insisted, "the job of the artist is to create the image of beauty, not to calculate how many heads. "

A movie named in the name of a painter

Some films derived from famous paintings focus on an artist's work, and some are named directly by the name of the artist to pay tribute to the artist himself. The animated movie "Loving Vincent" is the world's first hand painted oil painting long film. Van Gogh won the best Jin Jue prize in the 2017 Shanghai International Film Festival.

In 2015, Van Gogh's 125 birthday, to commemorate him, the Poland painter and director Dorota Kobiela produced the idea of creating this film. "Love Van Gogh" is created by Breakthru Films, a Poland production team that won the Oscar prize, and the studio Trademark Films.

The film "love Van Gogh" Trailer

They recruited excellent oil painters around the world. After three weeks of training in Van Gogh's art style, the candidates were able to join the team and start their work. Breakthru Films and Trademark Films worked together with two studios to make the whole film with 65000 paintings.

Vincent William Van Gogh (Vincent Willem van Gogh) is a pioneer of Post Impressionism, and deeply influenced the art of painting in twentieth Century, especially the beasts and expressionism. Van Gogh himself is very fond of portraits, and has painted 35 self portraits in his life.

Artist Van Gogh's self portrait

Similar to Van Gogh, Mexico painter Frida Carlo (Frida Kahlo) is also a painter who loves self portrait. 55% of her lifetime paintings are her self portrait. In addition, Freda is also deeply influenced by the culture of Mexico. She often uses bright tropical colors, the style of realism and symbolism.

Artist Freda's self portrait

The six Oscar nominated biography Freda is the short story of Mexico's famous female painter who is short of legendary life experience, taking Freda's self portrait as a clue.

Freda Carol 'self portrait with the monkey

A famous picture as the driving force of the movie plot

The indissoluble bond between the film and the famous paintings is also shown in the following: some films usually take famous paintings as clues as an important factor in promoting the development of the plot. According to the American writer Dan Brown's same name, suspense novels, the movie Da Finch code is an important clue of Da Finch's works.

Da Finch "Vitruvian Man"

In "the Da Finch code", Le Louvre museum curator Sonia before his death will be arranged to "own" Vitruvian Man shape, both suggest that the relationship between Da Finch and the priory of Sion, and the protagonist Landon cracked stone secret clues. The famous "Monalisa" in the black light irradiation, can see the password in the password protection glass cover.

Da Finch "Monalisa"

In addition, the film also appeared "the virgin of the rock", "the last supper", "Maria of the Magdala" and other famous paintings as clues to promote the development of the plot.

Da Finch's last supper

Da Finch's Maria of the Magdala

The film "Budapest Grand Hotel" tells the story of a famous Grand Hotel gatekeeper in the war period. This gatekeeper's legendary story is connected by a thief, a renaissance oil painting, a family's battle for wealth and a sudden change of war in Europe.

The film "Budapest Grand Hotel"

The picture "the apple and the boy" in the movie "Budapest Grand Hotel"

The famous painting through the whole film is called the "apple and the boy", which is actually a fictional film. It is said that Rafael's early "young people with apples" and the important representative work of the Fontainebleau School of France, "Esther sisters", were combined.

Rafael's "young man with apple"

Esther sisters

There is a great relationship between painting and film. Both in composition and light and shadow are similar, and there is also a reference in the content. In some cases, the earlier painting art can inspire the movie art on theme, so that the artist can create more meaningful movie works.

[Supervisor / Qi super]

[editors, texts / Hu Xin Yuan]

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