
How do you kill your girlfriend step by step?

How to die a girl's heart?

This article gives duo an insight into a complex, sophisticated, malicious way of emotional manipulation.

It is this article tell us with hair standing on end, and this is true.

This article by "little sister" in his authorized reprint


First of all, you should be good to her.

Bring her breakfast every day, give her a variety of small surprises, such as rose early in the morning, a small cake in the afternoon, evening candlelight dinner, she desperately to coax her wayward if you quarrel with you, just hugged her angry on the wall ", one knee to hold her hand and said" sorry princess is my fault ", and then send a set of MAC or TF as a gift of apology.

She ignore you hit one hundred and eighty telephone calls for her, sent three hundred text messages to his love for her, with all her friends, sending a message, please take care of her, that she is your beloved Princess, cannot suffer a bit tired, so we work hard, you thanked everyone for her.

She said if three midnight to think of you, you don't hesitate to put on the clothes of the most handsome side to call her side ran out, hit the car on the way to her door, she at least a little bit guilty when I say "never mind not cold, I see you not cold, remember to take her love of food, people can not, can not go to the white.

If the people around you say she works, you must be the first to stand up and tell everyone, "no one of you can say this to her if my girlfriend is willing to do it."

She wants to stay in a five star hotel to take her to live, even if she swims the credit card. She wants to eat one thousand private food per person to take her to eat, even if you eat the steamed bun that you want to chew for a month, this time, you must never lose heart. Don't forget, you are going to kill her.

Love you half a year's time, in your sugar coated bullet under attack, she should have been very love you, you can always fall asleep in her after her "kill" dead, though still glowing for your trust on her face, sweet smile.

But you do not, you want a little, a little "kill" her dead.

So you secretly applied for studying abroad. It's a high tuition fee. The ordinary family can't afford it. You pretend to be annoyed, hate yourself, and say that your family wants you to go abroad to study. You blame yourself for not being able to afford your tuition. When necessary, can also use gangster, hand hit the wall, the play was more realistic.

How could her little fool wonder, she would say, "it's all right, it's one or two years of exotic love, and we're sure we can stick it down."

You want to put her in his arms, said some out of love, her live trick, let her believe that you still love her even abroad.

A few days before you leave, you must keep looking for her, saying you want her, you love her, you regret going abroad, you want to be with her. You want to give her a lot of things, expensive and intimate, to send her a potted plant, told her that she could send her duwusiren, hundreds of candies, she one day to eat a meal, you'll come back and marry her. Give her a savings card and say you will save it every month. If she needs money urgently, it can be used at any time. The password is her birthday.

Let her go to send you away, distressed at parting at the gate of the airport, remember the security and back three times, if you can, then drop two drops of tears.

In the first three months of going abroad, you must learn to stay in the night, chat with her every day, coax her to sleep, send out a circle of friends that she can see, take a picture of any scenery, and add a sentence, "everything here is good without you."

Every day said to miss her, to miss her life around her, and to curse all the present when necessary, teachers, classmates and roommates. It hurts her, but she has nothing to do with it.

Gradually, you can not stay up so many nights, you have to say that the class is heavy, the home is not much money, in addition to class, you have to do three part-time jobs to maintain life. Do not wash your face, do not shave and haggard. You can see that your eyes are bloodshot, and there are many black circles. You can play a few yawns, tell you that you are sleepy from the side, but you will not go to sleep in order to accompany her.

She will be naive to think that you are so hard for her, so will talk with you, want you to go to bed immediately, do not need to video with her later, she can leave a message for you, you can see it back, busy can not return.

When you get such a reply, you can breathe a sigh of relief and sharpen your knife. She has been killed by you.

You can be mad clubbing drink, meet a new girl, and they were on the dance floor dancing cheek to cheek, bring them back to your apartment with one hand, solution bra, night. Waking up after a hangover, having no headache, and kissing a strange girl next to you, and then returning to your little fool, "sleep, I miss you very much today, good night. "

You can keep changing partners, as long as you have enough energy and money, from time to time to home waiting for her to send a discount or cosmetic bag, by the way she inadvertently revealed to you how long row team spent ten days for the meal. She won't know, it's just a bargain that you buy when you go shopping with your partner.

It's been a long time for her to wait for you. It's crazy for you to wait for you. She says she wants to see you. You need to buy a ticket immediately and go back to see her, like when you were in love. You said you shirk, poor and no time, really no way to go back, and then handle your date, aimed at the time to buy a special offer tickets to fly back to give her a surprise.

Take her to a place where she would like to travel, after all she was dying, finally it can still give gentle. You have good time with her for a few days, like the beginning, to remember her companion to obey in every way, you send out foreign photo without make-up and sexy video, recovery and other woman after she slept under the news.

After waiting for her to coax, you can sit on the plane and put the knife on her neck and start to kill her.

Would you tell her your WeChat broken, always jump out spam messages, for a new WeChat with her old, no way, she will pull the black, you have been her friend, a left to pick the most gossip, all the rest to pull the black.

With the micro signal new and she continued to contact, as usual, from time to time the woman in the circle of friends, love is love story, in the circle of friends show loving man.

Her birthday is coming soon, this is the last time you bleeding, to buy her a love she has been willing to buy things, and then not to accompany her birthday said the apology, promised to wait for you after returning home, for she had a birthday, and her contact WeChat wish her a happy birthday. Circle of friends in her praise after the rapid line.

Switch to the old micro signals, take some ambiguous photos with the ladies around, add a piece of paradoxical love words, and wind up the circle of friends that only her gossip friends can see. If you still feel the dose is not enough, you can add a few more, and the girl in the bar, dance, bed, no matter, you are happy.

Next, it is waiting.

Waiting for her friend to send a screenshot to her friend circle, waiting for her to find herself being blacked by your old micro signals, waiting for her to ask you what it is like on WeChat.

You see, but you don't reply. You pinch the time, wait until two o'clock in the morning in the early hours of the country, take a casual look and get back quickly, and then ignore it.

You know, the opposite is the night without sleep, you stand the knife on her neck, has cut her skin, blood starts pouring out.

After one or two days, you reply to her. You didn't send it to all of you. It's the girl who took your cell phone and intentionally sent these friends circles. The girl is too good for you. You can't bear to refuse her. She says if you don't stay with her, she will commit suicide. You are so kind, how can you see a life falling in front of yourself.

You must firmly say that you only love her, your little fool, you are to marry her, to believe your ghost, wait for you to go home. She will collapse, she will be crazy, she will be sleepless nights, you don't go back to her when she can't sleep sleep eat, she continue to give you an excuse, even believe you drafty lies.

She hesitated to give you another chance, and you had to catch the gap and say, "come on, I know what I'm saying you don't believe." When I come back, I'll get you back again. Her attitude is perfect. She is also moved by you once again, thinking that maybe you are making a mistake, but at least you are in a bad attitude. She can lay down her heart and start with you.

Can you here, you have is completely broke, you from time to time to send a message to her, while the gap you don't have a date, you know in your heart that exist between you, the butterfly effect, every time you send a casual message to her, there is a tornado.

You start making friends around the old WeChat, each with some erotic hints. Her gossip friends can send fresh messages to her every time, and she begins to curse you. You just keep silent, no longer say sorry, nor look for her anymore. She was completely rude, scold you scold her gentleness and to gain decent, you and pretend fondly liberal and dignified back to her one.

"I'm sorry, but I have my own pain. "

Your knife is wandering along her skin, poking a knife from time to time, looking at her awkward and pitiful, and your heart is very light.

She knows, she will know, your good roommate could not stand her frustration, she will tell for you, you go abroad as early as three months after it derailed, women changed several, each spend money than spend on her more. You don't love her, you don't love her for a long time. You only think of it as an experiment, how the experiment "kill" your girlfriend step by step.

Your degree to read, with a gilded foreign degree home, can easily find the right job, and you don't know these dirty things, one sees you as rich handsome male elite pure girl. Your life has not been a tiny bit of influence.

And she, you little fool, still constantly updated you hurt her, live in a long time in shock at night. She can't find you anymore. All her grievances, anger and pain can't be released. She can only throw herself to herself, and hate herself too easily to trust others' admiration.

From then on, she would never fall in love with a person any more.

Today, it's two years you know, and you have succeeded in killing her.

Is it terrible?

More scarier, this is not my story.

