
What's wrong with your body on the plane?

In the ten thousand meters high altitude, your body why to eat...

A lot of people in the aircraft encountered dizziness, tinnitus and other symptoms, especially long-distance flight. In fact, some changes have taken place in our body function during the flight. Recently, Brewer, a British nutritionist and general practitioner, Sarah, gave some practical ways to ease these discomforts.



Air pressure in the cabin is equivalent to 2500 meters above sea level, you want to breathe the same amount of oxygen in the ground, you need a greater amount of lung function. It is difficult to improve the lung function in a short time, so it is easy to lead to the lack of oxygen supply, many people will feel dizzy, headache, inability to concentrate, etc..

How to do: to maintain a good rest before boarding, drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks, can alleviate those symptoms, but also conducive to the jet lag.

Joint swelling and deep venous thrombosis

According to the American Heart Foundation study, the probability of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in lower limbs is increased when the air pressure is longer than that in the narrow space. Calf blood vessels forming clots can cause swelling and pain. Deep vein thrombosis can cause thousands of deaths every year.

How to do: when the plane wearing a little bit tight socks, the girl can choose socks and loose clothes, ensure the safety of the situation from time to time in the cabin to take two steps to prevent illness.

Hearing impairment

Most people can accept the volume range is about 45 dB, more than 55 dB may make people irritable, 70 dB will cause mental stress, and if reached 100 decibels is likely to cause temporary hearing loss. Aircraft flying in the noise figure is usually between 95~105 dB, take-off up to 115 decibels, which is sufficient to cause hearing damage.

How to do: people often have to take the plane is necessary to protect the hearing of the "investment" to buy a better noise reduction headphones. One of the biggest differences between the noise reduction headphones and ordinary headphones is that it can be more effective to block the noise, do not listen to music when the ear can be protected. In addition, if the conditions do not choose the rear seat of the aircraft.

Taste failure

A lot of people think that the plane meal unpalatable, but this is not necessarily the wrong plane. Rapid air pressure change and dry cabin environment can cause taste buds to numb, taste will be reduced by 30%. At the same time, dry nasal mucosa will increase the sense of smell, taste discomfort.

What to do: use moisturizing spray on the plane, or nasal spray, chewing gum can avoid losing your sense of taste.

Bad breath and cold

The cabin is a hotbed of germs. Dry air will not only affect the taste, smell, but also make the oral cavity is too dry, bacteria caused by bad breath. Meanwhile, a study in the British Journal of environmental health found that the probability of catching a cold on a plane is 100 times that of the ground.

How to do: you can eat some of the non greasy food before flying, and then carefully brush your teeth, drink plenty of water. Wash your hands frequently on the plane or use a lot of disinfectant towels, but also to avoid rubbing your eyes, nose and mouth.


Due to the low air pressure in the cabin when the flight is lower than the ground, the body pressure is relatively large, long flight will lead to flatulence and fart. Sedentary metabolism and digestion slow, prone to constipation, it takes a little time to get better after the plane.

How to do: "drink" seems to be omnipotent, it can make your stomach do some exercise". In addition, the use of hand massage the abdomen, the left and right side of the body can also speed up the metabolism and digestive system operation.


Some people will appear airsick, pale complexion, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms. This is the result of differences in vestibular and visual perception of the main peripheral sensory organs in the inner ear. The inner ear thinks you're still sitting still, but the eyes tell you that the plane is tilted and flying high.

What to do: Vertigo will disappear by itself in a period of time, think in advance can take pills they cannot tolerate. Staring at a stationary object can also help relieve symptoms.


You may feel tired or angry in a long flight, which is normal. The longer the flight, the more severe the circadian clock is, the more severe the symptoms. People who are very regular in their daily lives are more likely to be affected.

How to do: if you want to control emotions, you can consciously adjust your schedule before the trip. You want to fly to the East, a few nights before starting to try to go to bed earlier than usual. Most people need about two days to get used to the time difference. Flight distance is very long, it is necessary to the aircraft on the basis of time to force their own time to rest or sober.

Remember to use the above method when you are on the next plane. If you want to use it, try it several times, try to try and you may land......


Reference: DailyMail, translation: Feng Ying

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