I wonder if you have noticed that the frequency of avocados has been particularly high recently. What's the reason? Of course is the hot days, wear less clothes, the weight loss (_ / ~ / = =).
But at this time of year that there must be someone out of "denial": "shea butter is high in calories, will eat more fat"! "Eat avocado during weight loss, it is"......
(please start your show ~!)
So, in this big heat loss period, the pot girl will tell you about the avocado. Is avocado suitable for eating when you lose weight? Stand up to eat avocado it too unpalatable this thing, how Bo Tim Tin Mat?
- the heat is high. Eat the meat? -
First of all, the avocado's calories are really not low. Take our more familiar diet apples, Apple's calories are 54 calories per 100 grams, while avocado calories are 161 calories per 100 grams.
But! Shea Butter contains unsaturated fats, which actually promote metabolism and accelerate the conversion of fat into energy. That is to say, eating the right amount of avocado can actually help with the consumption of fat.
Please note that Ms. pan is talking about "right amount", one day a day for boys and 1/4 or half a day for avocado.
- it tastes bad and tastes bad -
Shea butter, originally made in Mexico, entered the United States in the 90s of last century and quickly became a must for local people. It was also in recent years that we entered china. Avocados, also called avocados, are defined as fruits, whatever they are. Therefore, many people think that since it is fruit, it can be eaten directly. (tanshou.Jpg)
However, the fact is that avocado is best known for its taste in combination with other ingredients. Salad is the most common way to eat avocado. A variety of ingredients, mixed with seasonings, can avoid the problem of butter and taste.
If it's hot enough to drink ice, one avocado will do. Place the butter, banana and milk in a blender. Break and mix. A cup of soy sauce. Smooth and smooth. The cream is also very small. The fresh milk shake is done.
Can also toast with avocado puree into, than many on the market to sell the jam much healthier; make a small fresh pasta with butter puree can...... So, not the avocado is not good, but we don't eat it!
Of course, if you want to make healthy delicious dishes, the premise is to use mature high-quality avocado. The skin is black and can be pressed by hand; the flesh of the cut is pale yellow, the texture is close to butter, and the taste is smooth and silky. This kind of avocado is just the right ripe avocado.
- expensive -
Several South American countries such as Mexico and Peru, and California in the United States, are the main producers of avocados. Domestic avocados are heavily dependent on imports, so it is understandable that the higher the price of avocados compared to other fruits.
Anyone who has eaten the avocado may have noticed that the price of avocados has been rising this year. That's because, since the beginning of the year, the main producers of these avocados have not been workers, or they have been hit by floods or droughts, resulting in considerable reductions in production.
So, avocado is likely to continue to rise, and this time we should do is: hurry up! Stockpile!
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