According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on August 23rd, French President Ma and his wife Brigitte in 23, cron flew to Austria to visit Salzburg. He will unite the European Union talks with Austria's prime minister, but a unique style of the 64 year old ma kelom lady Brigitte wearing when the red dress has overshadowed Ma Kelong's limelight, has become the focus of the field of flash. (photo: French President Ma kelom couple and the Prime Minister of Austria Christian Cohen couple)
Brick red dress trimmed chic worn by Brigitte, mid thigh length, just put the Brigit slender legs emerge. Facade decoration of a long zipper, extending from the skirt to the neckline. Picture: Madame Ma is getting off the plane
Brigitte was a large black coat collocation, and slender black heels, and her signature of golden hair perfect collocation, and can cover the red dress collocation and lively, so that the overall look more solemn. Photo: Mr. and Mrs. Cohen meet and shake hands at the airport
Brigitte's fashionable dress and dress make her sit with her 45 year old Austria prime minister's wife. Picture: Madame Ma and Mrs. Cohen, Prime Minister of Austria
This is the 39 year old French President Mucklow as a "first lady" position plan fell apart after the first visit to his wife. Picture: Mr. and Mrs. Cohen visited Salzburg
Ma Ke Long after taking office plans to set up a "first lady" official post for his wife, so she can have known to support their work. Unexpectedly, the opposition was loud. Then, the 21 released a document, clear the "positioning", Brigitte did not mention the words "first lady". Picture: MR and Mrs Ma are getting off the plane
The term "first lady" was not used in the Charter relating to the transparency of the head of state's wife, replacing the words "spouse", "Madame" or "Mrs. Brigitte Mucklow". Picture: Mr. and Mrs. Cohen and the couple are listening to the piano
Picture: Mr. and Mrs. Cohen visited Salzburg
Related labels:
First lady
Daily Mail