According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that Singapore reticulocyte (Jamie Chua) with socialite Cai Xinying of replica Hermes bags uk bag, first Hermes bag worth more than 17000 pounds (about 148 thousand yuan), now she already has more than 200 hermes bags, collection of all brand-name bags total value of at least 14 million yuan, but the price to some limited edition about 350 thousand of the total value of means may far exceed the estimated.
Earlier, Cai Xinying is a stewardess, flight encountered the first class of Indonesia millionaire Nurdian Cuaca and get married. After marrying the rich, she began to collect designer bags. In 2011, Cai Xinying and her husband divorced millionaire, asked her husband to give her 160 month to maintain their spending, although finally agreed to be less than this figure, she is still enough to buy luxury goods, expand their Hermes and replica chanel bags uk collection.
The couple had two children, 21 year old Cleveland (Cleveland) and 17 year old C (Calista). Although 42 years old, Cai Xinying still looks so young, often regarded as his daughter's sister. In order to maintain her youthful appearance, she spends 70 thousand on beauty care every month, including hairdressing, manicure, massage and beauty.
Cai Xinying said she of fanatical love originated 15 years ago, "the hands of a replica Hermes online uk Birkin or Kelly is a low profile between the night seems to show off their wealth, when everybody wants a kind of package. For me, I didn't collect it for its brand effect, but because the design of Hermes bag is very friendly to customers. To this day, I also feel that the Birkin and Kelly packages are the best for me. They can hold my daily necessities and make it easy to find. "
In the near future, she also remodeled her wardrobe, to facilitate their own panoramic view of all the bags. "It's really convenient for me, especially when I'm in a hurry to go out. Before that, my wardrobe was really stuffed with shoes, so I couldn't find the bag back that day. "
She also loved footwear and collected hundreds of designer shoes. "If a pair of shoes fit well then, I will each color to buy a pair, this is characteristic of all women. "
Cai Xinying has 47800 fans on Instagram, who regularly shares her luxurious life and luxury wardrobe, and admits she will spend a long time making the best pictures. She had two full-time assistants traveling around with her, but their task was to photograph her until she was satisfied.
In addition, she has her own beauty products, and in recent months she has flown to Paris, Maldives and Shanghai to try to set a good example to her children.
She often bought a replica chanel bags uk bag to send his son daughter, Land Rover and Givenchy shoes, she said: "they have not been spoiled, I do not often buy them gifts. As a matter of fact, I always tell them to work hard and be self-sufficient. I don't want them to do nothing all day and think the money is coming down from the sky. "
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Daily Mail