Abstract ID:ipress
Before there is a sarcastic words, is said to save a couple months ago bought a replica Louis Vuitton handbags, but the back of a crowded subway. To this day, I think it's unfair.
Some young girl asked me to save money for a long time, while the holidays want to buy a package to reward yourself, what to buy? It is worth buying too many bags, dazzling, in the magazine on the streets of the street map, each one has a dream on their backs. Look at the price of money, and bold color, do not think for themselves, and think about it. And so on in March, the global trend of a new round of luxury prices finally spread to China, from the first luxury distance and a big step. Hesitation is nothing more than two points, styles and brands, today to talk about the brand. If only four digits of the budget, a choice, then I would recommend replica Louis Vuitton online.
To tell a story about replica Louis Vuitton online, ten years ago, I read a legend gathered numerous white Formica University, I didn't see the car door, the campus back LV it is a lot of girls. I know one of them, a chat, I got up the courage to say that you are very expensive in the hands of the LV, it was more than 1 thousand, she was a bit embarrassed, reported a number of 8000, I was shocked, buy a bag of 8000? Difficult to understand, the original LV was so expensive.
I still remember the look of the bag, and then look at the official website and found its name from the capital of Sicily - Palermo.
Four years later, I went to Hongkong to study, with a GUCCI, is my first luxury. Found from Hongkong to Filipino housewife to the lady, from students to the bank clerk, each holding a replica Louis Vuitton online, filled with food or cracks in the contract, fortunately, hid a diamond, on the bus and put it on its side, no special care, nor despise it, it is just like a with a friend for a long time, when you need it when you don't need to dig dig heart, quietly.
The GUCCI quickly exposed the shortcomings with the skin discoloration, dirty white into PVC, how also washed away. I am determined to start a classic SPEEDY, for which to do the installment payment, every month to pay 1/3 of the cost of living. Eat ten yuan special offer meal, but also regret for their vanity, but gradually the bag has become essential in my life. Go to the library, the bag was big, one can hold three or four books, sprinkle when eating soup, not fragile, with a towel wipe can take it to the island, the sea waves and the island. It didn't hurt. The most important thing is that in Hongkong, the trend of the capital, replica Louis Vuitton online with any clothes will not go wrong, it will not grab the clothes of the light, it will not be ignored its existence. In the end it was folded into a thin shape and returned to Beijing with me.
If in the past, my mother heard replica Louis Vuitton handbags, it is necessary to put his hand and said, do not buy, do not buy, the cell door to collect parking fees Aunt Wang back is this. Fake, covered with LOGO, high exposure rate is its original sin. But in turn, because of the success of the fake brand, covered with LOGO is someone else's traditional printing, high exposure is that it is practical. What are the qualities of a woman's first bag? I think it is durable and all-match. LV Monogram and Damier pattern has been engraved in people's hearts, so it does not look towering. The paint and water ripples series, each color has a high degree of saturation, color reduction. Once the hot 33 color series, gradually stopped production, but fortunately received two as a souvenir, it is the most daring breakthrough LV. Later, Murakami Takashi and LV, Kusama Yayoi,, RichardPrince and other contemporary artists launched limited edition, the art on the body, is a good try.
I do not want to repeat the history of LV, but it is the production of leather origin, the first to create a royal suitcase, durable is its quality. I have been to the National Museum LV art time and space exhibition, the most surprising is that it involves all aspects of life. From a bed to a pair of mahjong, the more life, the more need to hone the quality. So, and those who are famous for their clothing and shoes, and then the development of bags compared to the brand, workmanship is its biggest advantage.
As long as there is a chance, I will observe the different LV package line, each needle meticulous, even the angles are consistent. The pattern is strictly symmetrical, and the color will never overflow. Each package is marked with the factory number and production date. Moreover, the LV process is not a good imitation, the so-called high defense, super A, just look at the picture will be able to find the difference, no one is able to imitate the LV, will be able to reveal flaws. LV's after-sales service in the luxury goods do is the best, even the site is also the most important. I found a only ten years old bag, zipper head leather out, call LV customer service, her patience, sweet recorded my information, finally told me, as long as you get off the store recently, is free to repair. After half a year, and in order to ask a model to call customer service, she actually reported out my name, as long as a phone call, she will treat you as a lifelong customer. With the package to the LV shop, disturbed to worry because time is long, the counter will refuse to repair. The results of their patience to see the problem, gave me a certificate of repair, said that as long as the genuine LV, even after 100 years they are also responsible for maintenance. Half a month later, the package was sent back to Shanghai, back in the new dust bag. LV is not all free repair, but it is the price of each part, written clearly, ranging from hundreds to thousands, as long as there are accessories, maintenance time can make a commitment. And other brands are not so lucky, they need to be sent to distant foreign countries, after six months of waiting to get back. I accidentally lost the DOLCEGABBANA shoulder strap, want to match one, they say sorry, sorry not. Of course, we need to distinguish the quality problems with normal wear, bag is used, not used for, all traces of cortex can appear when it is used, in which we should look at normal, instead of carp. If the frequent use of a bag, hand stains, perspiration will go deep into the skin, causing skin discoloration. LV after the trial, will become a good honey, the original leather pores, showing a luster. Some people even wear gloves to knead with the skin, in order to accelerate the process of the change of honey. But the friendship reminder, cannot but not to LV unless, cleaning, cleaning will destroy the surface of the oil, the pores open, become coarse. In the exhibition Bo, for many people, the National Museum commercial exhibition held national disgrace. I regard them as a full of traces of the works of art, is the witness of love. LV can be handed down, I have seen dozens of years ago, LV, and now the sale of money than the change is not obvious, the classic is a consistent, only the details of the change. So even if passed to her daughter, it will not be out of date, on the contrary, full of traces of the years is more precious. LV also provides free lettering services, in the bag with the skin (note that not every bag can be), engraved with two or three letters of the English alphabet, marked with this bag belongs to you. Spend some money, can also be customized color mosaic on canvas, choose a location, collocation of several colors, make elegant presbyopia more playful changes. Utilitarian point of view, LV never discounted, not in the discount season to see half of the feeling of plug. Even if it is sold, the basic money will have a good price, compared to those who can only sell a fraction of GUCCI, PRADA, LV still hedge. For a time, but some popular Japanese woman Amoy second-hand luxury goods, which LV is the most popular brand, some decades of package, still preserved as new, as once Japan's largest consumer of luxury goods, consumption of a large number of LV, has always been sophisticated in combination with the Japanese people, would tell action we choose the LV not wrong.
Before there is a sarcastic words, is said to save a couple months ago bought a LV, but the back of a crowded subway. To this day, I think it's unfair. Saving money to buy an entry-level luxury, which slowly exposed to world-class work with design, not what can not, the subway is a way of life, and the LV material, the color is not in security.
Later, I had a lot of back bag, some bags to accompany me through a period of time, halfway out, but only the LV has always been with me.
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