
Does Wang Sicong only have children without marriage? How big a game is it to marry a rich family?

Recently, Si Cong took the news of his girlfriend's trial on the hot search, and called Si Cong "Daddy" may have another one. But children are still a long way from marrying rich families. Marry a rich family is definitely a technical activity, in the end what kind of person can marry into the rich family?

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Author: Yi sister

Source: Iraqi sister watching movies (ID:eemovie)


Two days ago, micro-blog, Wang Sicong, take the beans, the birth test, a hot spot.

We all have to guess, why she is finally getting people thinking? Zhang Qian, Wang Ying, Song Liang...... Zhang Yuxi, sydney...... Why was she at last?

Now do not know whether the beans are really pregnant, even if "for him to produce a child", from "completely get him", still a few Galaxy distance.

We still know all the examples of giving birth to a child and not marrying a rich family.

Isabella Leong gave birth to three boys for Richard Lee, for males in such an Hongkong family, she is still just a single mother. Today Richard Lee is dating new gangjie.

Pace Wu is preparing to have third children, before going to Hongkong can only live in the hotel, showing a variety of fit photos, the child's Pro father just calm down on the "marriage" this topic never respond.

Wang Sicong suit isn't surprising, after all, long ago he said that he is not married, but to have children.

In the more tolerant of marriage, marriage is a personal choice today, for the rich, the child is equal to the marriage of the argument, has long been out of date.

After all, marry a rich family is a technical activity, can marry into, HOLD live, behind almost comprehensive comprehensive algorithm, the whole is a big game of chess.


Marry a rich family, this is basically a precise matching of resources.

First of all, to unify the definition of rich and powerful family, at least parents are equal generation of listed companies, chairman level, not retroactive to the three generation, has been a very broad standard.

In Beijing a villa 34 million today, home to several million, can only say good family, is really a lot of rich poor tone. Then we don't study the foreign giants, after all, foreign marriage standard gap is too big.

A wealthy marriage with love, but definitely not strong ties, in the two Beijing native 1008 assets equivalent to a listed company merger today, have strong social resources absolute wealthy marriage, is a combination of many resources, and.

The match of beauty

Rich and powerful can not find the most beautiful daughter-in-law, but it is impossible to find ugly daughter-in-law. Liu Qiangdong said, "I don't care about the beauty of milk tea, because I don't even know she's beautiful.".

Eat melon masses do not think, this is Liu Qiangdong do not pay attention to appearance. My personal circle of social life is almost the same good-looking girl".

* Liu Qiangdong

The tea sister

Family power matching

Strictly speaking, although the Crestron giants, but the emerging rich generation, and this really has the Hongkong giants, rich three generations, marry daughter-in-law is very important mendanghudui.

One hundred million daughter-in-law Cathy Chui, how is the victory over Michele Lee and Isabella Leong?

In addition to family good luck and high EQ, an important reason, she is 6 years old with replica Louis Vuitton bags uk Li Jiacheng's father called "Uncle", both parents are business partners, Li Jiacheng. She has emboldened say "see you seriously dig diamond hard, just think of marrying you". This emboldened pro to the father and mother, their own efforts, can not be replaced.

Social benefit matching

Outside the family background, wealthy businessmen plus stars are a regular match. Star's beauty itself is a scarce resource in love and marriage, but the star's advantage resources are the economic benefits of influence.

For one simple example, Zhao Wei married Huang Youlong, and some would think Huang had taken advantage of it. Such as Huang Youlong worth several hundred million small boss, Guangdong swept away; but Zhao Wei's endorsement of his business, the flow of resources brought about by intangible asset appreciation.

One piece of the story is very good. If Huang Youlong had not married Zhao Wei, he would never have had the chance to have dinner with the governor of Guangdong, but now he has. The point is that the governor's wife and children will come. "It's not a business dinner with a small businessman. It's a family reunion with an idol family. After dinner, it's a self timer, and the meal is enjoyable."".

Count Zhao Wei these years, with their own entertainment in the capital, the Internet era and the electricity supplier of various cross value-added, really, I have always felt that Huang Youlong is good, married to Zhao Wei, the giants.

By the way, today is the red net love baby, conform to the needs of the times, he is also in line with the industry to enter the Internet to set "apotheosis, Carnival personality, seemed like grass root". In "this is the gas man married potential web red", I speak very clearly,

In addition to the Red Net awl face, behind a set of economic chain.

Net red is the star of this era. This is no superstar, everyone famous three minutes, everyone is just a different field, coffee, different flow lord.

Metaphysical matching

Let's not laugh. The more wealthy, the truth is about metaphysics. Guo Jingjing can marry into, in addition to everyone can see the interests of matching, Huo home in the sports industry, and Guo Jingjing for Chinese sports, the meaning is self-evident. But the most stressed is that Hong Kong media

"The Huo family seriously need water, and Jingjing represents her face for the extreme water. "

You can understand that the rich and the elderly to maximize risk aversion, even if the risk of low probability, but also to screen out.

A businessman is never a theory of emotions, but a theory of interests. The logic is valid.

"Ode to joy" in 2 "small total mother.


The rich and powerful daughter-in-law is never a hedonism, but a mission.

Hardships, five pass six will be cut, and finally get access to the invitation, and then, is only the beginning of the story.

Search for their married into the rich, but sad end of the post, not too much.

Marrying a rich man is never meant for once and for all.

In any marriage, there is a sense of partner system, which is more prominent in the marriage of a rich family.

When you match such resources, it means that both sides must also make a big leap forward.

Many people think that married is enough to live comfortably, once and for all, is is signed a lifelong check.

In fact, the rich and powerful daughter-in-law is a lifelong career that is always responsive to the times and constantly strengthens itself and is more powerful than the rich itself.

Skill does not bend the body

Rich and powerful marriage is different from ordinary people's marriage, understand family industry, familiar with relevant policies and laws, assist property management, distribution of children's heritage...... You don't need to be proficient in these things, but you can't understand them. It's very dangerous.

The "Ode to joy" in 2, Andy.

I know a rich daughter-in-law, do luxury car business at home. Get married, she ran the 60 yard home, together with the workers to scrap, understand the new business. Help a child and a woman to complete the identity of Europe, contact international schools, parents in law, sick, go to union hospital to find the best doctor, villa aging staring at the decoration - she is basically the whole family of CEO. Her work is the same as Wang Xifeng, to maintain the normal operation of a family.

She said, "if you don't, you're not a member of the family. It's normal to be out at any moment.".

Absolute high EQ

If the home is a woman head, then the giants often branching off after a large fortune, maintain harmonious relationships with all the members of the family, is a basic Eq.

Just finished interviewing Hu Jing last week, the richest man in Malaysia told me that during the holidays, husband Zhu Zhaoxiang's parents and their distant relatives gathered together, and the family would accommodate more than 100 people at the same time. She not only needs to be clear about everyone's name, but also knows how to get familiar with each other's information and find some communication topics.

Daily life, is a dark wave surging crisis pr.

Very good fertility luck

You need to have more mysterious family luck.

S to marry Xu Yajun, still looking forward to the birth of a son is perfect ", this is a lot of giants of the collective unconscious, you can not agree, but does not mean it does not exist.

Super ability is the only thing that can not be replaced

Finally, you need to be a tough person, because when the test comes, you are proved to be irreplaceable to the family.

2 of Liu Tao's "Ode to joy" thing, we all know, married Wang Ke once also had "feel like sitting in the kitchen cooking, life has been very good, who can expect later" Wang Ke bankruptcy, illness, incontinence, "this time, she need to roll up their sleeves, out of money raising, pregnant the death period also took Wang Ke to travel," we can go past".

Today, she got many dog abuse "career, Wang Ke love, sons and daughters, had fallen to the bottom, put to death and then to. Simply sitting in the kitchen cooking, she has absolutely no meaning for Wang Ke today.

Interviews with the stars for so many years, the most memorable is Xie Qiu Anyi.

Hongkong jewelry tycoon Xie Ruilin's daughter-in-law, Xie Qiu Anyi, itself has done the Australian IT industry executives, in 1998, the financial turmoil in the real estate investment Xie Ruilin illusion, debt ridden, declared bankruptcy.

On the eve of bankruptcy, her husband threatened by Xie suffering, when his father sold a controlling stake in a listed company.

Qiu Anyi and her husband Xie Dafeng - Xie

Xie Qiu Yasunori put her career at once, to save the family crisis.

She started from scratch, every little bit familiar with diamond purchase process and learning skills, spent four years of time, the replacement of the terminal system of the whole company, but in Hongkong this place from the patriarchal conspiracy theory.

Xie Qiu said Yasunori who would think that we have become ordinary couples, back home in the bedroom, took off his suit, help each other to wipe people? "

But this is not the hardest time.

In 2008, the court sentenced the book down, Xie Ruilin was the Xie Ruilin and his son Xie Dafeng, was sentenced to two years and five years, the company has been suspended, the uproar in Hongkong.

Xie Qiu Yasunori tears decline rapidly, according to the couple's plan, as the chairman of the executive board, come from behind the stage, took over the entire company.

"Xie Ruilin and his son in prison

Today, she has from the infinite longing to see her husband's little girl, to become the support and soul of the whole of Xie Ruilin.

In the interview, what impressed me most is Qiu Anyi, Xie said: "I remember the first time I went to the prison to visit Toni, he said to me that the first sentence is, now has ten points, you come back to the company to follow up, help me at home. At that point, I was surprised and touched. For Toni, the family business was handed down from generation to generation, which gave me a great sense of mission and felt the responsibility of marriage. "

Yes, for rich and powerful daughters, marriage is not hedonism, marriage is a mission.

What are the giants inside, Gouxue, fantasy, The path winds along mountain ridges...... Princess sickness is impossible.


Back to thinking.

And he took the beans have children to check together on the heat of the search, and he was mocking kija back. Kija lost his dog Alfa, micro-blog, you arrogant? The sentence on the back of the other

"People are arrogant, because people won the world championship, you arrogant, just because you are Wang Jianlin's son.". "

Rich two generations of their own life mission is also very heavy, and the end of their lives, they have to answer their own, in addition to my father's son, who am I?

With his experience and frustration experience, Wang Sicong is still far from the standard of understanding responsibility and marriage, and he is not the only thing he cares about right now.

Those countless screaming "husband me" girl, also should be clear, not the son of the richest man to marry them, after all, shouting "I husband", and a group of boys.

Through the ages, there is always a girl who breaks her head and wants to be a daughter-in-law. But today's times are different, and my question is, if we can achieve this level of excellence, why should we accept such a high rate of elimination and passivity, choose a life that is impossible to freedom?

What is a good life?

Wealth, wisdom, and health, as well as always have a choice, there are circuits.

With this standard of time to measure themselves, do not marry rich family, destiny, this game, the correct direction is, always put hope on yourself, become always have the right to speak, their own giants.

I'm the parting line for eight sisters

How difficult is it to marry into a rich family? Beauty is only an entry-level requirement, EQ, background, luck, strength...... At least several. Taken together, these requirements are even higher than those of CEO. What exactly is life? Is it good to marry into a rich family? If married, but others, always in a passive position, it is better to change a way of thinking, to grasp the fate in their own hands, do their own clubs.


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