
Too bad, he lived a perfect life

[GQ man mobile phone edition]

And Ke Jie's chess game, is the last game of chess under Alfa's dog.

It will soon move on to the next mission - to help a person achieve a perfect life in a limited life.

The possibility of go is more than the number of atoms in the universe, affecting a person to achieve the perfect life more factors, a ring of a ring. Life is a chaotic system, full of possibilities, a little change is enough to make the best solution collapse.

Scientists have developed advanced general algorithm, integration of human social economic and cultural development of the data analysis, check the sample population social role, interpersonal relationship, physiological state and other experiments, trying to solve the most complex problems of life choices.

Thus, a product named "Alfa perfect life assistant instrument" came out.

It looks like a soy chip chip that is implanted in a human pituitary at a newborn age, and can communicate with the brain in an electrical, signaling, and electrical fashion. In the face of an important moment in life, the timely launch of massive data analysis, to determine the current environment, resources, given a maximum probability of achieving a perfect life.

Truth and similar chess - Lazi no regrets, but you can before action, perfect layout.

With loud cries, chip "poofing" sound, launched.

Buying the chip nearly ran out of parents' savings. But they saw Alfa chip advertising language of the moment: "love the child, let the children win at the end point line, they full of excitement. for a long time to heal.

Although the chip has no foreign body sensation in the skull, the child always has a variety of questions during his growing up: "Why are there two voices arguing in the brain?" "When I am speaking in my heart, whose voice is that?" "And" why does this moment seem to have been somewhere? "

Parents smile: "you grow up to know.".

My parents didn't tell him who is in the scene of deja vu, chip operation simulation calculation of the flashback of life.

The first time he heard the sound in his head, he was still 3.

His mother took him to the mall and he fixed his eyes on a toy car. Suddenly there is a strong desire, like "if you can play the whole afternoon, it will be perfect.". "

Cry. "There seems to be a sound coming from far away in the brain, giving instructions.".

"Wow," he cried.

The mother hurried to put the toy car into his arms, he immediately turned to sob.

The chip records all this, and scans the neurotransmitter in his brain, which is now heavily secreted by dopamine in the ventral tegmental area of the brain, which draws the conclusion that he is "happy" at the moment.

What you want is immediate, perfect.

He went to primary school.

At the end of the mid-term examination, the teacher came into the classroom with a pile of papers and began to publish results.

"98 points.". After learning his grades, his heart beat fast and his mouth was a bit too tight.

"99 points."! "The teacher read the name of the deskmate.

Not knowing why, he suddenly thought the red mark on the examination paper was dazzling.

Chip input data: as long as a higher point, it is perfect.

Looking out of the window, he saw an old man passing a traffic light. He turned to his composition and wrote, "today I helped granny across the street. Passers by gave me a approving look."......"

The teacher praised him in front of the whole class.

He continued to write, "Mom to a bowl of bean soup in the middle of the night for my side, the yellow light, I suddenly found her hair hidden in a silver...... my yankuangshirun. "

The teacher corrects on the exercise book: "filial piety, good boy."!

"When I was walking around the park, I fell down carelessly. Suddenly, the melody of" sailor "sounded in my heart. I told myself," what's the pain in the wind and rain? ". "

Somewhere in the world, he felt a force that prompted him to write down what had not happened.

The teacher praised him, and the students envied him. His parents were pleased with his grades. He passed the perfect middle school days.

One afternoon 13 years old, he came home from school and found Lucky was gone.

Lucky is a golden retriever who has been with him since he was born. He was a little nervous and kept calling. Soon, he found it in the corner behind the sofa.

Lucky lay there, breathing slowly, his eyelids drooping, his eyes still bright and wet, as if to say, "well, you found it.". "

Lucky wants to find a place to leave quietly, it does not want to see the owner is too sad.

"You this big dog, I want you, don't you just leave. "

"But I don't want to see the master. You're sad. I'll go and keep the house.". "

"But you make no reply to leave me more sad. "

"... Oh, wait, this... I was talking to? "He thinks he may be too sad, so be.

"You don't have phonism. "

A male mechanical noise from overhead came like pounding his head.

"I analyzed your current brain wave index and brain prefrontal neuron parameters and found that you were eager to talk to Lucky," he said. So I translate the stable signals that Lucky is releasing into the language that human beings can understand. In the same way, Lucky can understand human language at the moment. "The Alfa chip was talking to him for the first time, without a trace of volatility.

He looked down at Lucky, and Lucky was looking at him. Their tears pit-a-pat down.

"Lucky, is there anything else you want to tell me?" "

"Lucky, are you talking?" Is it too bad? "

The mechanical voice sounded again, "according to you at the moment of tears in the protein content, you are already in a state of grief, so before an operation I was judged as failures, your communication path has been completely cut off. "

Lucky closed his eyes forever.

At the age of 17, he wanted to be a writer and write novels.

This is a highly developed era of AI, AI has long replaced most of the human occupation. A writer is one of the few professions that humans do better than AI.

AI can write novels too, but he can't write well. Therefore, books with "suggestions on shelves: novels for human creation" usually sell well.

The idea hovered in his mind for a long time until the day when it became clear and firm - "your chances of becoming a best seller writer were very low, only 2%.". "The voice of the Alfa chip sounded.

He was taken a fright.

He has indeed encountered some difficulties, cast out the manuscript no echo. More than once he doubted whether he was really unfit for the road.

He was a little unwilling to speak to himself. "Why?" If I don't read enough, I can read more books. If I don't write well enough, I can write more. "

He began to read a lot, subscribed to dozens of writing public numbers, and took public writing lessons for some one hundred thousand + writers. He hardly ever stopped writing. Two months later, he rekindled hope and remembered his dream of a writer.

Probability maintenance 2%. "

What he didn't know was that the Alfa chip had considered violating the rules of computing, and made it 2.00000001% into 3% to reduce his sense of failure.

"According to your brain, frontal, and brain loop scans, you are not responsible for the half brain of the language system, which is doomed to lower levels of language, organization, and emotion than the average person. But the half brain you are responsible for logic shows a higher standard, and my advice is.."

He dragged his unfinished novel from the computer desk into the garbage can.

After a series of professional and personality tests on Alfa, he selected his major in conjunction with market analysis. The school was going well and before graduation, many companies had thrown olive branches at him with excellent results.

He was tangled between the two companies. One is a foundation for the world's top 500, and a long and secure path ahead is a long and secure one. The other is a start-up company, full of unknowns, but he's interested in doing what he does.

"500 strong". The decision on the Alfa chip is unquestionable.

"After analyzing the two company's industry trends, business conditions, boss style, in the top 500, although to some extent, loss of sense of achievement, but will significantly reduce the probability of setbacks, and relatives and friends will have higher evaluation on you, respect social index to greatly enhance. "

He listened to Alfa about the choice of chips.

At the age of 26, the family was worried.

"If you don't marry, the perfect life will be a failure.". "Mom talked about it in his ear.

The Alfa chip goes through calculations: by 2050, China will have 37 million bachelors, and 1/6 of men born in 2020 will remain single all their lives. Then, the Alfa chip, through analysis of men and women over the age of 28 looking for partners opportunities, cost, loss and income curve, he recommended a set of data optimal solution of the blind date program.

He went to meet the girl recommended by the chip: age, career matching, family conditions, too. The girl told him in the WeChat: "I also installed a Alfa chip. It's so nice. I have an eye for you.".

But what's the use of not calling? He thought.

The voice of Alfa's chip sounded: "according to a comprehensive analysis of human marital happiness, finding a person who loves oneself is often higher than that of the person you love.".


What on earth? He's a little nervous.

He still remember fifteen years ago, in the middle school first saw VR porn students brought from the crown to the chin, his whole face to have a fever, temple jumped; small abdominal itching feeling faint rises, scratching his spine climbed up the neck, jumped on the pituitary, like fireworks. Deep in the brain.

Alfa's voice was buzzing in his ear as soon as his glasses did not take off.

"What are you doing?" What did you see?...... "

This is to grasp the current sense of shame, not to live with the touch and control when the body cold shiver, fight a quick flashback montage synthesis.

But at the moment, the girl is looking forward to him at the bedside.

"In order to produce high quality babies, you should do the mating by 11:30.". "This is Alfa's instructions a few minutes ago. He looked up at the clock for half an hour.

He closed his eyes, trying to recall those pictures, but he can not take Alfa to the fuzzy buzz out, like a bottle of warm Hot Chocolate Milk mind, but how also can't unscrew the lid, with the mother uninterrupted to hurry to drink, drink, drink, drink, drink......

Suddenly, he felt his lower abdomen tighten. The plastic bottle is gentle and cool hands off, warm liquid flowing in, the dark world suddenly had dark red fluid like light, stiff waist relaxed, his shoulder from the finger tip has been to ma.

What should I do next?

Alfa said to him in a deep voice, "she's done the first step. Now you should take off her clothes.". Remember to stretch your bra buttons with both hands. "

"Please make the next step in time, otherwise it will affect the quality of sexual life in the future. "


28 years old, after two years of love, they are ready to get married.

The wedding witness asked him, do you love her? Would you like to spend the rest of your life with her? He hesitated to answer.

The Alfa chip says she's the right person for you.

"I will.". "


Suddenly so unexpected. Father is gone.

Alfa quickly added the time, place and attention of his funeral to his schedule, which was sandwiched between "attendance at brand events" and "business accounting".

"Based on your emotional fluctuations and work status analysis, I recommend the best funeral time for you and your mother. It will not affect your work and can provide you with enough buffer time. "

He opened his mouth before he could make a sound.

"According to the usual approach, you will not be able to return to normal work for two weeks and two hours, which may affect your next month's promotions, reviews and future developments. "

He sobbed softly for a while.

"You are suffering from slight dehydration at present. It is recommended to add water in time.". "

He wiped his tears away.


When he learned that his wife was pregnant, he felt that he could turn over a new leaf.

He imagined a small embryo growing up in the womb and gradually becoming a baby. The baby would cry loudly, talk, and giggle at them.

He suddenly realized that he had become more important. He became a father.

He loves his children. He hopes more than anyone else that a child can live a healthy and happy life.

The safest advice to ensure a perfect life for a child is to buy a Alfa chip for the child. "Alfa chip said.

He believes it.


On Sunday afternoon, he and his wife drove to a restaurant with a human chef. Before going out, he opened the "care" model in the brains of two children, and the children played the toys happily.

Alfa reminded him, today he and his wife married 3rd anniversary anniversary, as a perfect husband, he should take her to the most difficult reservation places of consumption, so special enough.

"Cheers!"! "

In the wine before her light, two people at the same time blooming smile standard. Ahead of the scheduled UAV "click" to capture this beautiful perfect moment.


Alfa will give him a performance report regularly.

"According to a comprehensive analysis of your serotonin secretion index and environmental factors, you need to think more about your behavior recently. "

"According to your body's melatonin secretion report, you need more sleep recently.". "

"According to your pronunciation, intonation and other indicators, you've been a bit arrogant recently.". "


In his latest feedback, Alfa suggested that he fire a female colleague. Because this woman colleague recently efficiency is extremely low, and has no improvement sign. He heard that the mother of the woman's colleague had just died.

Alfa suggested, "according to the data expected analysis, her continued downturn will affect your group's performance, and then reduce your performance, you should stop immediately.". "

For a brief moment, he thought of the afternoon when his father passed away. But it was only an instant, and he turned to AI, who was in charge of personnel, to send out an order of dismissal. His hand trembled a little when the news came out.


One month after female colleagues leave, the consequences are reflected in their reports.

There was a serious error in her assessment report - at first it seemed like a bias in the design of goals and models, but the "reasonable" analysis of the AI model, based on the model, was absurd. He missed the chance of promotion and was left behind by the company.

The only thing is, he had decisively dismissed her, not because of sympathy and mercy. Now he increasingly believes in Alfa's judgment.


He was lying in bed, listening to the chirping of birds, suddenly curious, would they also have fixed time to get up and fall asleep? Are there any differences between their tweets in a day?

Chip operation: "according to a paper published in the" Nature "on twitter, according to the summer and winter time is slightly different... But... The problem is not worthy of attention, you should concentrate on meeting at 9 tomorrow on investment. "

A visit to the museum when he suddenly dyeing, a sewing machine, the working principle of curiosity. Alfa chips accurately help him search out the relevant results, the picture only lasted 5 seconds. Your time is precious, and you should spend your time helping yourself to get the perfect life. "

Why is the sunset different from the morning sun?

Why are there different traffic lights at each intersection?

Every time he comes up with problems that haven't been solved in his childhood, the chip always reminds him, "be good at using your time."". When it comes to problems that science and technology can't solve, it adds a sentence to the search page: "why is there so much? Why?" "

Slowly, his work efficiency is more and more high.


He began to enjoy this life. He has not been ill for several years, and his figure is similar to that of 20 years ago. He has less and less communication with his wife and has almost zero sex life, but he does not crave the desires of those younger. This kind of extreme control of himself is enough to satisfy him.

More than any other desire will satisfy him.

His body signs were stable all year round, and his life every day was surprisingly stable.

Alfa now rarely comments on the assessment, and occasionally issued a "sting" prompt tone, expressed his affirmation.

In his view, from a set of perfect life weiqi, there are only a few gaps between the two.


The average life expectancy of modern people is 120 years, and he is already 155 years old.

Time has lost its meaning for him. He's got everything he wants, career, family, quality of life... No regrets.

His mood changed, the reason to curb all impulses and instincts to chip data instead of all the empathy... He completely control their own...

The long life without challenge is a bit boring.

He asked Alfa, "what shall I do?" "

Alfa thought for three seconds and replied, "according to comprehensive data analysis, one of the best ways to evaluate this is to get into physical death, and then upload your self-awareness to the cloud.". "

"Can I come back yet?" "

"Death is irreversible.". But I'll prepare other bodies for you, and you can try another life. "

"Why don't I try?" "


A month later, under the billboard "love your kids and let your kids win at the finish line", two new chips were quietly put on shelves, one labeled "refurbished" and the other without a label. Together with hundreds of other chips, they quietly waited for customers to come.

Plan: GQ lab Author: Fan Zhirui, Xiao Qianli, Rocco

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